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New posts in ruby-mocha

Is there a way to undo Mocha stubbing of any_instance?

How to mock an instance method of an already mocked object?

ruby ruby-mocha

Mocking constructors in Ruby

ruby ruby-mocha

Mocha : How do you set up an expectation for an instance method?

How to assert block of a mock in mocha

Stubbing Sinatra helper in Cucumber

How to test a mixed-in class method is being called with RSpec and Mocha?

ruby rspec mocking ruby-mocha

How to stub method with specific parameter (and leave calls with other parameters unstubbed) in Mocha?

Mock methods that receives a block as parameter

Having never written any automated tests, how should I start behaviour-driven development? [closed]

Ruby on Rails: Best way to test a failed call to a third party API

NoMethodError: undefined method `mock' with Mocha and Rails 3

How to run Node.js and Ruby tests within one project on Travis CI

Is there a way to set the value of $? in a mock in Ruby?

ruby testing ruby-mocha

Is it possible to stub a method in a parent class so that all subclass instances are stubbed in rspec?

using mocha, is there a way to stub with many parameters?

Is there a Mocha equivalent of Rspec’s “mock().as_null_object”?

Getting Rails 3 Generators with Rspec 2 and Mocha