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How to mock an instance method of an already mocked object?

I need to mock the following:

Class User
  def facebook
    #returns an instance of a facebook gem

So in my User tests, to access the User's facebook info I need to call user.facebook.me.info to retrieve its info. If I want to mock this, I'm currently using the following:

@user = Factory(:user)
facebook = mock()
me = mock()
me.expects(:info).returns({"name" => "John Doe"})
assert_equal "John Doe", @user.facebook.me.info["name"]

This works but seems a bit unwieldy, is there a better way to do this ?

[edit] I'm using mocha as mocking framework

like image 542
pjaspers Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 18:12


1 Answers

You could try something like this :-

user = Factory(:user)
user.stubs(:facebook => stub(:me => stub(:info => {:name => "John Doe"})))

If you really want to check that all these methods are called (which I suspect you don't), you could do the following :-

user = Factory(:user)
user.expects(:facebook => mock(:me => mock(:info => {:name => "John Doe"})))

It's a bit more verbose, but it's usually worthwhile giving each mock object a name :-

user = Factory(:user)
user.stubs(:facebook => stub('facebook', :me => stub('me', :info => {:name => "John Doe"})))

I hope that helps.

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James Mead Avatar answered Mar 15 '23 23:03

James Mead