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ActionMailer::Base.deliveries always empty in Rspec

How to spec validates_uniqueness_of in Rspec?

ruby-on-rails-3 rspec2

rails 3.1 render_to_string returning empty string

How do you stub a `current_user` with update_attributes set to false?

undefined method `each' in a factory_girl / rspec2 scenario

Rspec format Post parameters to String values

Repeated test descriptions with RSpec for every user role

rspec: undefined method 'double'

ruby rspec rubygems rspec2

Rspec Integration Test not Cleaning the Database

rspec: Stub a template's helper method call from a controller spec using render_views

mongoid, rspec and assigns(:people) issue

set session for object in Rspec integration test

Testing entire Rspec suite fails

testing mailers in rspec

actionmailer rspec2

What's a proper way of writing request specs in RSpec?

Testing after_create hooks with rspec

How to match hashes that contain arrays ignoring order of array elements?

ruby rspec2

When writing RSpec tests with rails, what should go in the spec/requests folder vs spec/controllers?

NoMethodError: undefined method `get' when running rspec and making get/visit calls

Rspec + Capybara : undefined last_response