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Tracing memory leak in Ruby on Rails 3 / Postgres / Apache Passenger application

Circular Dependency Error in Rails 4 during Rspec Request Specs

What's `rspec/autorun` for?

method stubbing on before(:all)

rspec rspec-rails

Rspec 3 upgrade issues with view.stub (Rails)

Why after_commit not running even with use_transactional_fixtures = false

factory girl passing arguments to model definition on build/create

How to rspec mock open-uri?


How to properly test ActiveJob's retry_on method with rspec?

What's the Difference between the Rspec and Rspec-Rails Gem?

How to mock and stub active record before_create callback with factory_girl

Mocking chain of methods in rspec

Rspec 3.6, Rails 5 error: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1) for `post` request

What does Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. mean?

Login Failure when Testing with Capybara, Rspec and Selenium in Rails 3.1

Error on start when using Spork and Guard

devise and rspec-rails - How to sign-in user in Request type specs (specs tagged with type: :request)?

How to test email headers using RSpec

Capybara 2.1 Error uninitialized constant Rails (NameError)

undefined method `create' in Rails RSpec