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New posts in roslyn

Roslyn c# scripting sandbox

c# sandbox roslyn

extending c# syntax with roslyn

c# roslyn

Determining if two SyntaxTokens are the same

Avoid VBCSCompiler perf hit on Roslyn powered ASP.NET Razor MVC views?

Visual Studio - "restore" code refactoring error in infobar

Why does VB.NET's "missing return value" warning specifically exclude "non-intrinsic value types"?

CA1801 vs IDE0060

Adding MetadataReference in Roslyn Vs Microsoft.CodeAnalysis

c# roslyn

Compilation fails with sln file loaded with Roslyn, but compiles in Visual Studio

MSBuildWorkspace cannot compile project with <ProjectReference> to another project

How can I make a Roslyn Analyzer project a transitive dependency?

Roslyn slow startup time

c# roslyn

How to use SemanticModel to check if variable has been tested?

c# roslyn

What parts of Roslyn can you use with VS 2013?

Get other files than .cs with Roslyn

c# code-analysis roslyn

Extensible formatting in Roslyn?

.net code-formatting roslyn

Cannot run Code Analysis Analyzer in Visual Studio 2015

Reliably compare type symbols (ITypeSymbol) with Roslyn

Unit testing with Roslyn.Services.Workspace results in a SecurityException while working at x86 target

Using the open source released "roslyn" to read code file and generate new code files

c# roslyn