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New posts in roslyn

Is there a way to pass data (other than through the property bag) between an analyzer and a code fix provider in Roslyn?

c# code-analysis roslyn

What are specialized events, fields, methods and properties?

c# roslyn

What is the difference between a Roslyn CodeFix and Refactoring?

c# roslyn

Roslyn for .Net 4.7.2 [duplicate]

c# roslyn

How to get a list of all fields with a specified attribute?

c# attributes field roslyn

How do I add references using latest Roslyn API (C# Script Execution)

c# roslyn

for scriptcs `dynamic` is not supported by Roslyn and available only with mono, but mono fails on DLL

Parsing C# Conditional Compilation statements in roslyn

Visual Studio 2017 not highlighting errors

How do I do a deterministic build locally (ContinuousIntegrationBuild flag)?

How to get extension methods on Roslyn?

c# roslyn

Syntax Analysis with MS Roslyn

c# roslyn

Is it possible to create a Portable class library with Roslyn?

Creating new Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CustomWorkspace - got ReflectionTypeLoadException

c# roslyn

How does asp.net mvc 6 knows what resources to add when a controller does not inherith from Controller class?

MvcBuildViews in MS2015 takes a long time

Roslyn: Retrieving Symbol in parent or ancestor SyntaxNode

Using the Roslyn Semantic Model to Find Symbols in a Single .cs File

Find UsingDirectiveSyntax that belongs to InvocationExpressionSyntax

Constructing NameOf expression via SyntaxFactory (Roslyn)