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Using data.table and tidy eval together: why group by does not work as expected, why is ~ inserted?

r data.table rlang tidyeval

In writing an R package, using the flowCore::transform function, can I both use a variable name as text and get the actual value?

curly curly tidy evaluation programming with multiple inputs and custom function across columns

How to pass strings denoting expressions to dplyr 0.7 verbs?

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

Rename in dplyr 0.7+ function

r function dplyr nse rlang

How to construct arguments for case_when from data frame?

r dplyr tidyverse rlang

Replacing group_by_at(NULL) using across

r dplyr tidyverse rlang

Use dplyr coalesce in programming

r dplyr rlang

confusing behavior of purrr::pmap with rlang; "to quote" or not to quote argument that is the Q

r dplyr purrr rlang tidyeval

Specify the dots argument when calling a tidyselect-using function without needing to specify the preceding arguments

r rlang tidyselect

Tidy evaluation when column names are stored in strings

r dplyr tidyverse rlang

do.call() and tidy evaluation

r dplyr nse rlang

How to pass an expression in a string to a verb in dplyr 0.7.2

r dplyr rlang

Pass a single argument as dots in tidyeval

r dplyr rlang

base R substitute names of the arguments to function call

r metaprogramming rlang

How can you make tidyverse functions that support both quoted and unquoted arguments?

r dplyr rlang tidyeval

Supplying multiple groups of variables to a function for dplyr arguments in the body

r dplyr purrr rlang tidyeval

How to use rlang operators in a package?

Using dplyr filter() in programming

r dplyr tidyverse rlang