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How to construct arguments for case_when from data frame?

I'm trying to create many different possible weighting schemes based on temperature.

I created a data frame with all possible combinations of 8 vectors (each vector represents a temperature range). So the columns of the data frame are a specific temperature range and the rows are weights.

I would like to pass the temperature ranges as arguments to case_when, and loop through each row of the weights data frame, creating a new variable for each row based on the actual temperature and the associated weight for that temperature based on the information in the weights data frame.

Using the following post, I was able to create a function to produce the weights data frame:

Use dplyr::case_when with arguments programmatically

But I don't know how to construct the case_when arguments using the weights data frame.

Function to create data frame of all possible weights


create_temp_weights <- function(
  from = 31,
  to = 100,
  by = 10,
  weights = exprs(between(., 31, 40) ~ c(0, 0.2),
                  between(., 41, 50) ~ c(0.5, 0.8),
                  between(., 51, 90) ~ c(0.8, 1),
                  between(., 91, 100) ~ c(0.2, 0.8),
                  TRUE ~ c(-0.1, 0))
) {

  # use 999 to map other temperatures to last case
  map(c(seq(from, to, by), 999), ~ case_when(!!!weights)) %>%
    set_names(c(map_chr(seq(from, to, by),
                      ~ str_c("temp_", ., "_", . + by - 1)), "temp_other")) %>%


temp_weights <- create_temp_weights()

Create tibble with vector of temperatures used to construct the weights

test_tibble <- tibble(temp = seq_len(100))


The following case_when is the thing I'm trying to produce programmatically using the weights data frame.

# Now I want to create a function that will produce the following
# case_when from the temp_weight data frame so I don't have to
# manually edit the following each time I create a new weights data frame

test_tibble2 <- map_dfc(.x = seq_len(nrow(temp_weights)),
    ~ transmute(
      temp =
          temp >= 31   & temp  <= 40   ~  temp_weights$temp_31_40[.x],
          temp >= 41   & temp  <= 50   ~  temp_weights$temp_41_50[.x],
          temp >= 51   & temp  <= 60   ~  temp_weights$temp_51_60[.x],
          temp >= 61   & temp  <= 70   ~  temp_weights$temp_61_70[.x],
          temp >= 71   & temp  <= 80   ~  temp_weights$temp_71_80[.x],
          temp >= 81   & temp  <= 90   ~  temp_weights$temp_81_90[.x],
          temp >= 91   & temp  <= 100  ~  temp_weights$temp_91_100[.x],
          TRUE & !is.na(temp)          ~  temp_weights$temp_other[.x]
      ) %>% set_names(paste0("temp_wt_", .x))


So what I'm looking for is a function that constructs the case_when arguments from a weights data frame.

like image 792
Giovanni Colitti Avatar asked Jul 31 '19 16:07

Giovanni Colitti

People also ask

How does Case_when work in R?

case_when: A general vectorised if This function allows you to vectorise multiple if and else if statements. It is an R equivalent of the SQL CASE WHEN statement.

Which function is used to construct a data frame?

We can create a data frame using the data. frame() function. For example, the above shown data frame can be created as follows.

1 Answers

Closely mimicking OP:

windows <- 
  str_extract_all(names(temp_weights), "\\d+") %>% 
  modify(as.integer) %>% 
  modify_if(negate(length), ~ c(-Inf, Inf)) %>% 

temp <- test_tibble$temp

res <-
    ~ {
      row <- .
        !!! imap(
          ~ expr(
            between(temp, !! .x[1], !! .x[2]) ~ !! temp_weights[[.y]][row]
  ) %>% 
  set_names(paste0("temp_wt_", seq_along(.)))

all.equal(res, test_tibble2)
#> [1] TRUE 

Slightly more efficient (not repeating case_when for each weight combination):

res2 <- 
    !!! imap(
      ~ expr(
        between(temp, !! .x[1], !! .x[2]) ~ list(!! temp_weights[[.y]])
  ))) %>% 
  do.call(what = rbind) %>% 
  as_tibble() %>% 
  set_names(paste0("temp_wt_", seq_along(.)))

all.equal(res2, test_tibble2)
#> [1] TRUE   
like image 137
Aurèle Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 08:10
