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New posts in rfc822

Convert RFC 822 Date to TDateTime

delphi datetime rfc822

Encrypting Headers S/MIME message/rfc822

Forcing "+0000" timezone for RFC2822 times in Ruby

Is root@[127.1] a syntactically valid e-mail address?

How do I elegantly print the %z (timezone) format in Perl on Windows?

windows perl timezone rfc822

How do you extract multiple email addresses from an RFC 2822 mail header in python?

python email rfc822

Is there a non-deprecated equivalent of rfc822.AddressList?

In Python how to convert an `email.message.Message` object into an `email.message.EmailMessage` object

python python-3.x email rfc822

What is the RFC 822 format for the email addresses?

RFC822 Timezone Parsing in Java

java date iso8601 rfc822 rfc3339

Does Gmail set an invalid Content-ID header for inline attachments?

gmail mime mime-message rfc822

Elegant way to serialize a MailMessage object in .NET

Is there a "no-reply" email header?

email rfc822 rfc2822 rfc5322

MIME RFC "Content-Type" parameter confusion? Unclear RFC specification

mime specifications rfc rfc822

How do I convert RFC822 to a python datetime object?

python rfc822

How do I elegantly print the date in RFC822 format in Perl?

perl datetime date rfc822

Why does email need an envelope, and what does the "envelope" mean?

security email smtp rfc822

How do I parse and convert DateTime’s to the RFC 822 date-time format?

.net datetime rss rfc822

How can I get an email message's text content using Python?

python email mime rfc822