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New posts in return-type

In Perl, how can I return a tied hash from a subroutine?

perl return-type

jquery 1.9 .ajax() datatype default changed?

json string jquery return-type

What type of Object does Spinner.getItemAtPosition(...) return?

New to C, Return pointer to 2D array

c arrays pointers return-type

Do type declarations and type annotations obsolete or complement each other?

Why return by reference?

Java generics extending return type of methods

Clash between trailing return type and return type deduction

Null in functional interface with different type return

function overriding with different return types

c++ overriding return-type

OK to return an internal List<T> as an IEnumerable<T> or ICollection<T>? [duplicate]

How can I specify as return type of a method the type of the object upon which the method is called?

java generics return-type

What does Return myVar != null actually mean?

Why is it not possible to declare a function with VAR return type?

The relationship of overload and method return type in Java?

Is it advisable to have an interface as the return type?

c# interface return-type

C++ operator= return reference to *this

c++ return-type

How to return dynamic return types in methods? C#

Why can't C functions return an array type? [duplicate]

c arrays return return-type

Return None from python function annotated with mypy, multiple return types