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New posts in android-spinner

actionbar setnavigationmode deprecated

populating a spinner items with multiple lines

How to dynamically change the Spinner's items

Opening spinner by clicking on EditText

error inserting android.database.sqlite.sqliteconstraintexception error code 19 constraint failed

Android Studio 0.3.6 rendering problems when spinner with android:entries="@array/some_array" used

What property controls Spinner dropdown background?

Flip arrow on android spinner in toolbar

android android-spinner

How to Implements multiple spinner with different item list and different action on click in the same Activity

How to get String from setOnItemSelectedListener method?

Android Spinner Set dropdown text direction to RTL

Android: Need to change the spinner background color

Listener on a Spinner

Creating multiple onItemSelectedListeners

android android-spinner

spinner text color is white?

android android-spinner

Dynamically position right corner arrow of the ActionBar Spinner based on length of displayed title

Custom Spinner not hiding the dropdown menu after selection

android android-spinner