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New posts in retina-display

On iPhone5 [[UISCreen mainScreen] bounds].size comes back as 320x480?

iPad 3 slow screenshot

CGDirectDisplayID, multiple GPUs, deprecated CGDisplayIOServicePort and uniquely identifying displays

xcode macos gpu retina-display

How to make JavaFX Applications non-blurry on Retina Display

Is there an extension of Twitter Bootstrap for Retina-Display?

How to update 2D iPhone game to be compatible w/ iPhone 4's retina display?

iPhone - getting the size of a view in pixels

Why do lines smaller than 1.0pts not render correctly on non-retina screens?

iOS app non-retina and retina images concept

iphone ios retina-display

Convert UIFont to CTFontRef and add italic on Retina display

How do I specify an Chrome Extension icon (popup icon) for Retina Mac's

is it possible to test Retina Display on simulator?

Blurry UIView with CATransform3D only on RETINA

Drawing on the retina display using CoreGraphics - Image pixelated

Explicitly Using @2x images in an iPad xib in Interface Builder

Retina/non-retina images in UIImageView

SKTexture and the scale property of a UIImage

UIView's contentScaleFactor depends on implementing drawRect:?

ios uiview retina-display

Why retina screen coordinate value is twice the value of pixel value