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New posts in retina-display

Does OS X support 3x scaling yet?

How to programmatically determine native pixel resolution of Retina MacBook Pro screen on OS X?

How should retina/normal images be handled when loading from URL?

ios uiimage retina-display

iPad 3 Retina Display, @2x images, and apps already in the store

ipad retina-display

Retina display for an image from URL

How to create 1536x2048 framebuffer for iPad Retina sample (GLGravity)

Is using the css3 'background-size' property sufficient for retina display?

What is the proper way to handle hi-res web images for hi-res displays (mainly iOS retina displays)?

Images blurry in iphone 4 mobile safari

What resolution programmers will get in Macbook Pro Retina

How to display Retina (32x32) favicons in Google Chrome?

How to change retina display system preferences in OSX?

macos cocoa retina-display

How to convert an image to retina display?

css retina-display

What is necessary to make QtQuick 2's Canvas element HiDPI-(retina-)aware?

canvas qml retina-display

How to take Retina Screenshots with Xvfb and Selenium

How do you detect a Retina Display in Java?

java retina-display

How to enable "use low resolution" on Retina display for an Application when shipping it?

Tab bar icons on retina display

Why font sizes (and other elements) appear so small on mobile devices