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Issues with RESX files on VS2010 targeting 3.5 framework

Compile resx files in the project or just use resgen without compiling resx

Free/Open Source resx files with Standard Phrases

.net asp.net asp.net-mvc resx

Why won't my application find the default satellite assembly en-US resources?

c# wpf xaml localization resx

Using SQL for localization instead of RESX files in ASP.NET

asp.net sql resx

Why is it so hard to share resource files (resx) with my Silverlight client?

Dynamically add files for localization C#

c# .net wpf resx

Should I use the static cached ResourceManager or a new instance for each web request? Does it matter?

C#: Change the resource file without re-building?

Main assembly versus Satellite assembly problems when fetching both XAML and RESX resources in C# .Net

c# wpf localization resx

MVC3 using .resx for localisations of images

When using the ResXResourceReader how can tell if the resource is an embedded file or if it is an embedded string

c# resx

MVC Localization of Default Model Binder

asp.net Get all Resources from .resx Without Specifying Culture (ResourceManager.GetResourceSet )

Localized resx files as sub items in solution explorer

Get all available cultures from a .resx file group

C# resx file error

c# file error-handling resx

C# resx file not working after changing namespace

How do I publish/deploy an MVC Project with ResX Resources?