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Dynamically Compose a Class in C#

c# dynamic reflection

How to recognize scala constructor parameter 'fields' with no underlying java field?

scala reflection

MEF load types that implement interface and match attributes

c# .net reflection mef

Create a "with" method on immutables

Check whether PropertyInfo.SetValue will throw an ArgumentException

Getting the value of a property using it's string name in pure Swift using reflection

swift reflection

C# Build anonymous object dynamically

Parsing scala 3 code from a String into Scala 3 AST at runtime

scala reflection scala-3

How do I attach a method to a dynamically-created C# type at runtime?

Databinding and code obfuscation

Create an anonymous type from reflection ParamInfo[]

c# reflection types anonymous

Creating Object Instances Faster Than Reflection in Windows CE

Best way to access attributes

Get the companion object instance of a inner modul with the Scala reflection API

scala reflection

Reflectively checking whether a object is a valid generic argument to a method

Is Java annotation order persistent?

java reflection annotations

Type.GetType fails when invoked as method group but not in lambda expression

c# .net reflection lambda

What *isn't* Typeable in GHC 7.8?

haskell reflection ghc

Why are my types not marked as equal?

c# reflection types interface

Scala - Run-time performance of TypeTags, ClassTags and WeakTypeTags