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New posts in ref

Why can I not return a reference to a dictionary value?

ref c#-7.0

Can I foreach over an array of structs without copying the elements in C# 8?

c# ref c#-8.0

Passing a list parameter as ref [duplicate]

c# list ref

Why does Volatile.Read take ref parameter?

c# .net volatile ref

Access to a several elements through one ref React

"ref" keyword and reference types [duplicate]

Why are increment operators possible on properties while ref is not

c# properties ref

clojure - delete an element from a ref vector

vector clojure ref

React ref current is NULL

reactjs ref

How to pass a System.Action by reference?

Extension method and local 'this' variable

c# extension-methods local ref

Strange behavior of clojure ref

concurrency clojure ref stm

How to check that Excel cell contains REF! error in VBA

vba ref

Detecting element types in a mixed array

arrays perl ref scalar

How/Why does ref return for instance members

Vue Composition API - getting a ref using TypeScript

Why can't a function with byref be converted directly to delegate?

f# delegates ref byref

Are erlang refs unique between nodes/VM restarts?

erlang uuid ref

Can I pass an anonymous object into a method that expects a reference parameter of type object?

c# .net anonymous-types ref

Workaround for optional ref parameters in C#