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New posts in read.table

How to read data with different separators?

r read.table

automatically detect date columns when reading a file into a data.frame

r date read.table

How to avoid: read.table truncates numeric values beginning with 0

How to prevent 'read.table' from changing underscores and hyphens to dots?

r character read.table

Preventing column-class inference in fread()

r data.table read.table

preserve old (pre 3.1.0) type.convert behavior

r read.table

Reading a CSV file organized horizontally

r csv read.table

How to read a subset of large dataset in R?

r read.table

Numeric variables converted to factors when reading a CSV file

r csv read.table

read.table reads "T" as TRUE and "F" as FALSE, how to avoid?

r read.table

What does the "More Columns than Column Names" error mean?

read.csv vs. read.table

r file-io read.table read.csv

read.table() and read.csv both Error in Rmd

Why are Xs added to data frame variable names when using read.csv?

r dataframe names read.table

In read.table(): incomplete final line found by readTableHeader

r csv read.table

How to index an element of a list object in R

How can I read the header but also skip lines - read.table()?

How to import a .tsv file

r import read.table readr

How do you read multiple .txt files into R? [duplicate]

r lapply fread read.table readr

Ways to read only select columns from a file into R? (A happy medium between `read.table` and `scan`?) [duplicate]