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rake --tasks full description (not cut)

ruby rake

how to run schema.rb?

rake db:migrate error with mysql2 gem - Library not loaded: libssl.1.0.0.dylib

Use older version of Rake

Why does rake db:migrate in Rails not add functions to the schema file?

Rake db:test:prepare in Rails 3 app fails with file not found

ruby-on-rails rspec rake

Disable rake task

Minitest Issues Ruby on Rails

404 error with open-uri in a rake task... what's causing it?

Access Rake Task Description from within Task

ruby rake

Where should my non-model/non-controller code live?

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Error installing gems that use native extensions on Ubuntu, Ruby 1.9.2 via RVM

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Automatic publish Beta Android app to the Google Play store

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Running Rake tasks in RSpec multiple times returns nil?

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Rails: how to run all migrations up to a certain timestamp

ruby-on-rails rake

Deactivate a Gem - "you have already activated rake 0.9.3.beta.1, but my Gemfile requires rake 0.9.2"

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undefined method `desc' for Sinatra::Application:Class

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Rails mysql2 undefined method `accept' for nil:NilClass

Running migration on server when deploying with capistrano

Recursive Patterned File Delete in Ruby/Rake

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