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What is the difference between "rake db:seed" and rake db:fixtures:load"

I am new to Ruby and Rails and am curious about something.

In two different tutorials I am looking at they use different methods for populating a database with basic test information.

One uses "rake db:seed" to pull from a text file with sample data.

The other uses "rake db:fixtures:load".

To me they appear to do the exact same thing.

Do they, or am I missing something here? (Highly likely)

like image 667
jhstephenson Avatar asked Sep 13 '14 01:09


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1 Answers

rake db:seed loads the data from db/seeds.rb into the database. This is generally used for development and production databases. It's permanent data that you use to start an empty application. More information here.

rake db:fixtures:load loads the test fixtures into the test database. This is temporary data used solely by the tests. You can think of fixtures as sample data.

like image 186
Jay Mitchell Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 01:10

Jay Mitchell