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In Sinatra, is there a way to use my own error handler for some errors, and the default handler for all other errors?

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Sinatra app using omniauth gets Rack::Protection::SessionHijacking in ie9

Rack throwing EOFError (bad content body)

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What does RACK_ENV do in a Rails application?

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Rack error (not compiling on the fly) serving assets in development

Run Rails Engine standalone

override "/auth/identity"-page of omniauth identity

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ETag changes when Rack::Deflater is enabled

Hello World rack middleware with rails 3: how to process body of all requests

Automatically add rack middleware with a gem

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OSX Yosemite update breaks pow.cx

Mounting a Rack application in Rails not working

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Ruby bindings for a server-side javascript engine?

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Robust way to deploy a Rack application (Sinatra)

How do I config.ru properly in modular Sinatra application.?

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Passenger Rack app 'cannot infer basepath'

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Difference between use and run in Rack

ruby rack

Rails 3, HTTP extensions (WebDAV) and Rack App mounting

best/most elegant way to share objects between a stack of rack mounted apps/middlewares?

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A slow postgres query on Heroku is not being interrupted by rack-timeout