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Passenger Rack app 'cannot infer basepath'

I have a simple config.ru file for my Sinatra app.

require 'sinatra'
require 'app'

run Sinatra::Application

However, Passenger is failing with the error no such file to load -- app. I've tried using the 1.9 method require_relative but that now causes the error cannot infer basepath.

I'm currently using the very hacky require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'app' ), which is just horrible and I don't fancy doing that every time I want to require a file.

Is there any reason why Ruby isn't acting as usual?

like image 455
fatnic Avatar asked Sep 28 '10 10:09


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1 Answers

In ruby 1.9.2 the current directory is no more in LOAD_PATH.

So what if your LOAD_PATH and add current_directory if is not made.

like image 191
shingara Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10
