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lookup keys in df2 in an array of keys in df1 and merge corresponding values

arrays r merge lookup

How to convert date and time into a numeric value

r datetime

fatal error: RcppEigen.h: No such file or directory

r rcpp

Fibonacci function

r fibonacci

How to append bootstrapped values of cluster's (tree) nodes in NEWICK format in R

Calendar Time Series with R

How to parse as HTML tag from server.R in Shiny

r shiny

Aggregating duplicate rows by taking sum

r data.table plyr

How to void type conversion in R's apply (bit64 example)

r 64-bit sapply

R decorator to change both input and output

r decorator

Not able to install xkcd fonts


scrape HTML table with multiple pages using R

xml r web-scraping

data.table aggregation to list column

r data.table

Substitute NA values depending of position in dataframe

R error: Error in `row.names<-.data.frame`(`*tmp*`, value = value)

R cut() results in odd handling of zero

r cut

R lattice bar chart: choose order of bars?

r lattice

Failing to set the user agent via httr::user_agent

r user-agent httr

dcast renaming all variables to start with a number

r data.table reshape2

working directory with spaces in R [closed]
