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New posts in quotes

Block of text with both types of quotes as a string

PowerShell quotes for Start-Process ArgumentList

powershell quotes

How do I strip quotes from an input box using PHP

php replace user-input quotes

How to handle a closing parenthesis in path names in a for loop?

batch-file for-loop cmd quotes

BASH pass Variable to Function

bash function variables quotes

Handling escaped quotes with Python's csv.reader

python csv escaping quotes

creating quoted path for shortcut with arguments in powershell

Echo with single and double quote in PHP [duplicate]

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Escape single quotes ssh remote command

bash ssh quotes double-quotes

Simultaneously escape double and single quotes in Xpath

r xpath escaping quotes rvest

Passing arguments which include double quotes to subprocess using Python

Avoid quotes when using CMake to pass a process output as compile options for specific target

cmake quotes

How do I combine an if/else expression with angular translate inside an attribute?

How to output a string with a double quotation mark?

php quotes

How to pass quoted arguments from variable to bash script [duplicate]

Is there a difference between flexible quotes in ruby?

ruby string quotes

Difference between single and double quotes in awk

bash awk quotes

RubyMine: key press to "convert to single quoted"?