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Print number of 1s in a sequence up to a number, without actually counting 1s [closed]

c++ algorithm puzzle

Programming two trains to intersect without positional data or communication (logic puzzle) [closed]

algorithm math puzzle

cat file | ... vs ... <file

unix shell pipe puzzle

Solving Puzzle in Python

SQL: how to get all the distinct characters in a column, across all rows

sql sql-server string puzzle

What can be the efficient approach to solve the 8 puzzle problem?

Solving Nonograms (Picross)

algorithm puzzle

Tape-Equilibrium Codility Training [closed]

java algorithm puzzle

Fixing a broken loop by changing exactly one character

c puzzle code-golf

Why does (x += x += 1) evaluate differently in C and Javascript?

javascript c semantics puzzle

Interesting OOPS puzzle [closed]

c# oop puzzle

Fastest algorithm for circle shift N sized array for M position

Two marbles and a 100 story building

algorithm puzzle

Overload a C++ function according to the return value

Finding a single number in a list [duplicate]

algorithm puzzle

Linear Time Voting Algorithm. I don't get it

How to test randomness (case in point - Shuffling)

math theory random puzzle

Programming Riddle: How might you translate an Excel column name to a number?

algorithm puzzle

Algorithm to determine if array contains n...n+m?

arrays algorithm big-o puzzle

java based programming challenges [closed]

java puzzle