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Finding a single number in a list [duplicate]

What would be the best algorithm for finding a number that occurs only once in a list which has all other numbers occurring exactly twice.

So, in the list of integers (lets take it as an array) each integer repeats exactly twice, except one. To find that one, what is the best algorithm.

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Vaibhav Avatar asked Aug 29 '08 20:08


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How do you check if a number is repeated in a list Python?

Using Count() The python list method count() returns count of how many times an element occurs in list. So if we have the same element repeated in the list then the length of the list using len() will be same as the number of times the element is present in the list using the count(). The below program uses this logic.

2 Answers

The fastest (O(n)) and most memory efficient (O(1)) way is with the XOR operation.

In C:

int arr[] = {3, 2, 5, 2, 1, 5, 3};  int num = 0, i;  for (i=0; i < 7; i++)     num ^= arr[i];  printf("%i\n", num); 

This prints "1", which is the only one that occurs once.

This works because the first time you hit a number it marks the num variable with itself, and the second time it unmarks num with itself (more or less). The only one that remains unmarked is your non-duplicate.

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Kyle Cronin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

Kyle Cronin

By the way, you can expand on this idea to very quickly find two unique numbers among a list of duplicates.

Let's call the unique numbers a and b. First take the XOR of everything, as Kyle suggested. What we get is a^b. We know a^b != 0, since a != b. Choose any 1 bit of a^b, and use that as a mask -- in more detail: choose x as a power of 2 so that x & (a^b) is nonzero.

Now split the list into two sublists -- one sublist contains all numbers y with y&x == 0, and the rest go in the other sublist. By the way we chose x, we know that a and b are in different buckets. We also know that each pair of duplicates is still in the same bucket. So we can now apply ye olde "XOR-em-all" trick to each bucket independently, and discover what a and b are completely.


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Tyler Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
