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recursion: cut array of integers in two parts of equal sum - in a single pass

algorithm puzzle

How do I compute the cartesian product of n sequences in F#?

f# puzzle cartesian-product

Optimally picking one element from each list

How to programmatically solve the 15 (moving numbers) puzzle?


Algorithm: Max Counters

c# algorithm puzzle

Race Car Puzzle

algorithm puzzle

Place random non-overlapping rectangles on a panel

algorithm random 2d puzzle

Efficiently reverse the order of the words (not characters) in an array of characters

Pairwise sum of n numbers in non increasing order

algorithm puzzle

Designing a twenty questions algorithm

function with the same name as a macro

c++ c puzzle

Bridge crossing puzzle

algorithm puzzle

Compile time sizeof_array without using a macro

c++ metaprogramming puzzle

The “pattern-filling with tiles” puzzle

Modify a given number to find the required sum?

c algorithm math sum puzzle

Why is my simple comparator broken?

java sorting puzzle

How do I programmatically return the max of two integers without using any comparison operators and without using if, else, etc?

What is an elegant way to check if 3 variables are equal when any of them can be a wildcard?

c# puzzle equality

i = ++i + ++i; in C++ [duplicate]

Check if a number is divisible by 3 [closed]

puzzle division modulo