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What is an elegant way to check if 3 variables are equal when any of them can be a wildcard?

Say I have 3 char variables, a, b and c.
Each one can be '0', which is a special case and means it matches every char.

So if a is '0', I only need to check if b == c.
I want to check if a == b == c, but found the implementation in C# goes chaotic and lengthy.

Is there any creative or pretty solution you can offer?


for performance driven, take Erik A. Brandstadmoen's approach. for simplicity, use M4N's apprach, also i did some modification: !(query.Any() && query.Distinct().Skip(1).Any())

like image 487
colinfang Avatar asked Aug 10 '11 19:08


People also ask

How do you know if three variables are equal?

To have a comparison of three (or more) variables done correctly, one should use the following expression: if (a == b && b == c) .... In this case, a == b will return true, b == c will return true and the result of the logical operation AND will also be true.

Can we compare three variables in IF statement?

You can, but it's unimpressive. The program compares variables a and b and gets the result, TRUE or FALSE. Then it compares b and c and gets the result, TRUE or FALSE. Then it compares those two results: TRUE && TRUE is what you need to see if all variables are equal to each other; TRUE && TRUE evaluates to TRUE.

How do you check if 3 values are the same in Python?

a() == b() == c() is functionally equivalent to a() == b() and b() == c() whenever consecutive calls to b return the same value and have the same aggregate side effects as a single call to b . For instance, there is no difference between the two expressions whenever b is a pure function with no side-effects.

How do you know if two variables are similar?

The is keyword is used to test if two variables refer to the same object. The test returns True if the two objects are the same object. The test returns False if they are not the same object, even if the two objects are 100% equal. Use the == operator to test if two variables are equal.

1 Answers

Something like this:

var a = '1';
var b = '0';
var c = '1';

var chars = new List<char> { a, b, c };
var filtered = chars.Where(ch => ch != '0');
var allEqual = filtered.Count() == 0 || filtered.Distinct().Count() == 1;

To explain the solution:

  • first put all chars into a list
  • exclude all chars which are '0': .Where(ch => ch != '0')
  • all remaining chars are equal if either:
    • the remaining collection contains no elements: chars.Count() == 0
    • or the number of unique remaining elements is 1: chars.Distinct().Count() == 1

Update: here's a different version, which does not use LINQ but is still and readable (IMO). It is implemented as a method and can be called with any number of characters to be tested:

public bool AllEqualOrZero(params char[] chars)
    if (chars.Length <= 1) return true;
    char? firstNonZero = null;
    foreach (var c in chars)
        if (c != '0')
            firstNonZero = firstNonZero ?? c;
            if (c != firstNonZero) return false;

// Usage:
AllEqualOrZero('0', '0', '0'); // -> true
AllEqualOrZero('0', '1', '1'); // -> true
AllEqualOrZero('2', '1', '0'); // -> false
AllEqualOrZero();              // -> true
AllEqualOrZero('1');           // -> true
like image 148
M4N Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10