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.net core build produces localization folders

.net-core publishing

Config transformations and “TransformXml task failed” error message

Failing to publish a Windows Forms project

c# winforms publishing

How to zip Align APK file in android?

Application (Not a Markup Language) for Producing a User Manual [closed]

MSBuild DeployOnBuild=true not publishing

How to include data files with the app's APK?

Idea, sbt, unable to reparse warning

Android app is published, but not visible anywhere in Google Play

android publishing

HTTP Error 500.19 when publish .net core project into iis with 0x80070005

c# .net-core iis-8 publishing

Beta version in Android play store. Where's the opt-in link for testers?

Where do Internal testers download Google Play Android apps?

How to get Visual Studio 'Publish' functionality to include files from post build event?

Need some clarification about beta/alpha testing on the developer console

"To Do" list before publishing Android app to market [closed]