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New posts in prototypal-inheritance

Javascript Augmenting basic types (prototype inheritance)

Where can I find an example of a large JavaScript project using Crockford's method for prototypal inheritance? [closed]

Javascript functional inheritance with prototypes

Crockford's Prototypal inheritance - Issues with nested objects

javascript class inherit from Function class

Does C# 4.0's ExpandoObject support Prototype-based inheritance?

How do you remove a method from a javascript type

Scope chain look-up vs prototype look-up - Which is when

What are patterns you could use with prototype inheritance that you cannot with class?

Does the ECMAScript specification allow Array to be "superclassable"?

How to create private variable accessible to Prototype function?

Prototype and constructor in JavaScript (plain English)?

Can JavaScript constructor return function and keep inheritance?

How to avoid using "this" in Javascript prototypes

Prototypal programming in Python

Javascript Prototypal Inheritance?

What is happening in the console when I look at getter properties on DOM objects?

Why properties of an XMLHttpRequest object are only printable through console.log()?

Extending core types without modifying prototype

Creating new objects from frozen parent objects