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New posts in prototype-programming

how to overwrite a builtin method of javascript native objects

Javascript array extension method gets iterated in for loop

Javascript strict equality strangeness

Javascript prototype and __proto__ and getPrototypeOf issue

Passing a prototype's function as parameter without losing the 'this' context

Why "String.prototype={}" won't work?

I can't extend the String prototype in javascript

Prototypical inheritance without new or Object.create

how many copies of the inner function will be created

JS Prototypal Inheritance: childs use the same parent properties?

In Javascript, why is there no "prototype" property for an instance or object literal?

Is there a good use case for the constructor property in Javascript?

Javascript literal vs function oop

Javascript dynamically getter/setter for private properties

Javascript: Which Browsers support prototype inheritance?

Application based on Prototypical inheritance in real life projects

How toString().call() on object prototype is fetching the type of Array

Prototypal inheritance in JS and how to get parent properties

Why is there a need for prototype objects (in functions)?