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New posts in protocol-handler

How to escape & ampersand in Custom protocol handler in Windows

chrome 25 iframe customize protocol don' twork

Programmatically retrieve list of installed apps that support a given file type

protocol handler

Electron protocol handler not working on windows

Visual Studio Protocol Handler - Open File

How do I properly register a protocol handler on Windows 8?

How to change the version of Visual Studio when opening on github

Custom protocol handlers Linux, Centos 7 for chrome

Where to call navigator.registerProtocolHandler?

Workaround for "Visual Studio Web Request handler could not be found" when using github?

Custom protocol handler does not work in MS Edge

How to quit itself in Objective-C application?

Why Chrome on Linux shows "External protocol request" dialog for unknown protocol?

Can Delphi be used to create and handle a custom protocol handler?

delphi protocol-handler

How to register a url protocol handler in Node.js

How to detect browser's protocol handlers?

Apache Proxy: No protocol handler was valid