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New posts in proguard

Proguard removes overridden methods in abstract class as unused

java proguard

Once again getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: android.support.v7.internal.view.menu.i after updating to Support Tools 23

ProGuard can cause incorrect calculations

Run Proguard on multi-module project as "one piece"

How can scala applications for android be reduced in file size?

android eclipse scala proguard

Gradle: Neither path nor baseDir may be null or empty string

How to tell Proguard to avoid obfuscating JNA library classes?

java proguard jna

Can't build APK with Android Studio when using ProGuard minification

android-studio apk proguard

Proguard obfuscation and generic methods

Proguard obfuscation results in java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: class declares multiple JSON fields named "a"

Android auto copy Proguard mapping Android Studio

Why proguard processes AndroidManifest.xml

Proguard with Unity3d return error code 1

android unity3d proguard

How to successfully obfuscate project with Dagger 2.0 using Proguard?

Cordova android 5.1.1 APK obfuscation with proguard confusion

Why is minifyEnabled is false in release builds by default?

Android Studio 0.5.0 rebuild not working with Proguard

Using ProGuard causes NoSuchFieldError for ACRA

How to make org.apache.http.legacy work with ProGuard (azure mobile services)?

Multiple warnings when building using Proguard