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New posts in proguard

Prevent reverse engineering of ionic application

Tell Proguard to keep annotation on methods

Where is the output of ProGuard's -whyareyoukeeping in Android Studio?

Android code obfuscation with ProGuard...how does one know it's been obfuscated?

Proguard keep classmembers

Setup proguard rules in android, can it just encrypt the code?

how to proguard with spring-boot gradle plugin

Why Proguard keeps Activity class in Android?

android proguard

Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease

java android proguard

How to configure Proguard to keep static methods with different return times

Android project: Export problem Launch canceled! Proguard returned with error code 1. See console

Proguard error while generating Secure Signed APK

android proguard apk

Android Studio - Gradle incremental build

Android Studio - ProGuard "java.io.IOException ...bin\classes (No such file or directory)"

Specifying serialized names in java class for firestore document

Obfuscated code

Proguard and Android :(

Retrofit2 proguard remove param

(Android) Proguard can't find dynamically referenced class javax.swing.*

android proguard

Proguard say input jar file is specified twice

android proguard