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New posts in proguard

Is there any proguard rules should use while using EncryptedSharedPreferences?

Build error referencing build.xml and proguard file: "null returned: 1"

NoClassDefFoundError: android.support.design.internal.NavigationMenu on Android 4.2.2 (wiko)

Removing unnessary classes from third party libraries and JARs [duplicate]

NullPointerException due Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.os.IBinder android.view.SurfaceControl.getHandle()' on a null object reference

Proguard exception while creating release android apk

Android Roboguice proguard warning

Android build with retrolambda ignores source code changes

How to fix "NoSuchFieldException: No field producerIndex" in release build when minifyEnabled is true - android?

android proguard

EventBus and Proguard: Could not dispatch event

android proguard

ProtocolException: Too many follow-up requests: 21 with Proguard and OkHttp 3.0 in Android

Serialization / Deserialization & Proguard

Parcelable Issues When Obfuscating With Proguard

Android Execution failed for task app:proguardRelease

Writing exception to parcel in signed application

android proguard parcelable

Volley seems not working after ProGuard obfuscate