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New posts in android-proguard

android proguard in debug builds?

How to find out which classes cannot be resolved by ProGuard Android

How to obfuscate package name in android studio

Firebase realtime database does not retrieving data in release apk [Android]

What are the proguard rules for SignalR android client?

smack for android fails when using proguard

How to remove System.out.print statements with Proguard

Error on enabling Proguard

Proguard with AAR library issue

Android ProGuard how to hide/obfuscate source code of exported library

Library class (from Android sdk) depends on program class (again, Android sdk)

Finding the obfuscated stack trace generated by proguard

Error uploading proguard file to a Google Play Console

android android-proguard

Proguard configuration for Firebase-UI library