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New posts in proguard

Proguard Duplicate Zip Entry

What are the recommended ProGuard rules for Smack 4.1?

proguard smack

Custom obfuscated class name in proguard

android proguard

removing unused assets from 3rd party library

java android proguard

Unity android build symbols.zip file too big

Android Proguard Duplicate Definition

android proguard

Remove Logging with Proguard

android proguard logcat

How to extract merged proguard rules

android gradle proguard

ADT R22 - Proguard - Can't find referenced class

android eclipse adt proguard

Using proguard with espresso/androidTest

Running out of heap running Proguard in Android Gradle build

FileNotFoundException on proguard-rules.pro file

java android proguard

How to fix these proguard warnings

Proguard issue for mupdf library

Proguard with google-play-services

How do you comment out a rule in Proguard.cfg?

android proguard

App on release crashes, while on debug doesn't

firebase ProGuard error (warning) with library version 11.2.0

How to obfuscate my android project in eclipse IDE?

ProGuard for Android and Retrofit2 Converter Gson?