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New posts in proguard

Proguard returned with error code 1. After update from ADT 16 to 18

android adt proguard

What is dex in Gradle

Android Library Project: Obfuscate and keep resources

Android proguard issue: path may not be null or empty string. path='null'

Switching to Gradle: why do I have to keep custom views from being obfuscated?

android release apk bigger than debug apk

Proguard issues with Gradle 3.0.0

Android ProGuard "java.lang.nosuchfielderror: Toast" exception

java android proguard

Obfuscate jar with embedded jar

Android Studio ProGuard does not appear to run

NoSuchMethodError for VideoView.setOnPreparedListener()

android proguard

Proguard Optimization Settings: Enabling class merging, casts and field/* in modern API and Proguard versions

App crashes when select Release mode but in debug mode works perfectly

Android & Proguard - how to obfuscate, but not optimise out any code?

android proguard

Meaning of { *; } in ProGuard

Hide API Key in Manifest and in source code android

android maps key proguard

How to verify POST data is sent from Android app with correct SHA1 signature?