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New posts in proguard

Does Proguard remove unused code (on Android)

java android proguard

How to use Java annotations to guide Android's Proguard?

How to tell ProGuard to obfuscate method and class names?

Facebook Audience Network Proguard settings

How do you encrypt / hide the body of an HTTPS call using Retrofit 2 + OkHttp 3?

ProGuard - unexpectedly contains class

Proguard: List of removed

android proguard

Proguard: can't find referenced class

java android eclipse proguard

Unable to generate signed APK with proguard enabled when Joda Time is used

Reflection methods are not working when used proguard for android application

Why does Butterknife @Bind fail in release build (after proguard)

Android Proguard does not inline

android proguard inlining

ProGuard build fail "Unresolved references"

Build fails with app:transformClassesAndResourcesWithProguardForRelease

admob ads are not shown with pro guard

android admob proguard

ProGuard not working in my app

android proguard

android.support.v8.renderscript error on ProGuard

Android - App crashes on Pre-Lollipop devices

Proguard removes Anonymous class in Anonymous class in Java