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New posts in proguard

Obfuscating multiple modules with android studio

How to shrink scala swing library using Proguard?

Android - Proguard duplicate zip entry error

android proguard

Signed apk getting crashed in proguard enable

Android multidex not supporting with proguard

android proguard

Strange NoClassDefFoundError error when launching a signed release APK with proguard enabled

Error: Can't find common super class of

Obfuscating clojure uberjars with ProGuard

ProGuard keep class name but change package name

java proguard

Proguard with Android and Google API Client

Android aar library doesn't contain dependencies

Android Proguard java.io.IOException: Can't read [proguard.ClassPathEntry

android proguard

Android, Scala and Proguard

android scala proguard

How secure is proguard against reverse engineering?

ProGuard doesn't obfuscate JAR with dependencies

How to configure Proguard using Gradle?

ProGuard unresolved reference in Shrinker Config file

android proguard

How do I build an Android project using Ant? (IntelliJ IDE)

Proguard on multimodule app

android proguard

Proguard - also use proguard files from modules