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New posts in proguard

ANT build for Android Proguard obfuscation

Generating a Pro Guard configuration file with Android Studio

Gradle build error when trying to Generate Signed Apk

How to config my proguard-project.txt file to remove just Logs

android proguard

How can I target kotlin `internal` classes with proguard?

Kotlin reflect proguard SmallSortedMap

Crashlytics no longer uploads mapping file when using Android App Bundle

Proguard issues with jar files, how to find the missing jar?

java android jar proguard

Proguard seeming to remove an entire packages that are included in the path

android eclipse proguard

Obfuscating WAR file with Proguard

java proguard obfuscation

Obfuscating the .aar files

Android Proguard - dontobfuscate doesn't disable obfuscation

what is the difference between -keep class and -dontwarn

Proguard error: "Exception while processing task java.io.IOException: Please correct the above warnings first"

android gradle proguard

Android Proguard - how to keep onClick handlers only referenced from XML layouts

android proguard

DexIndexOverflowException Only When Running Tests

How can I tell ProGuard to keep my function that is used for onClick?

android proguard

Duplicate Zip Entry after Gradle Plugin v0.13.1

"Application stopped working" after enabling Proguard

android proguard