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New posts in android-app-bundle

How to create aab instead of apk from Jenkins

Error: Type 'ui.TextHeightBehavior' not found in flutter

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method asAttributeSet(Lt/g/a/a;)Landroid/util/AttributeSet; in class Landroid/util/Xml;

Should I set extractNativeLibs to false when using Android App Bundle?

Android Studio doesn't generate bundle

How does an app Bundle handle Language changes?

Instant app with Dynamic Features always show Disambiguation dialog with 1 option

Does App Bundles (AAB) automatically use APK Signature Scheme v2?

App Bundle, In Dynamic Feature Module, Module available before install

How to set type of update "In App Update" when I update the app in google play console?

Generate Universal APK from Android App Bundle

Android ABI split migrating to App Bundle

Is it possible to publish update for only dynamic feature module?

Is there any Android app in Play Store that supports the dynamic delivery feature?

Android In-App update API return 0 as availableVersionCode & updateAvailability as 1 (UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE)

Android In App Updates - Not able to detect the update in AppUpdateInfo