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New posts in android-instant-apps

Instant App, What's the actual minimum sdk

How to store data in android instant app and restore it in installed app

Android Production Instant App not showing "Try Now" button in google playstore

Build error with Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4

How to reduce GMS size in apk

Android Instant App - Play Console release/deploy error and DAL(digital Asset Link) not linked

Android Instant App with Native C++ Library not publishing to device/simulator running Android N

Resource merging in Instant Apps features modules

You should have at least one active APK that is mapped to site 'sample.com' via a web 'intent-filter'

Instant app with Dynamic Features always show Disambiguation dialog with 1 option

Testing Android Instant Apps

You must use the http and https protocols for intent filters. Why receive this error message?

Error: style attribute '@android:attr/windowExitAnimation' not found