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New posts in android-lvl

Android license check going straight to applicationError(...)

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android LVL reasonable?

android android-lvl

LVL behavior on client side license validity check for free apps

Cant find Google Market Licensing package in SDK Manager

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How can I make a time-limited trial application?

Google Play LIcensing - Meaning of "Respond Normally"?

How to publish an android app new license key?

android android-lvl

How to test licensed android apk without buying from market?

android android-lvl

How to get Google USER ID (not the device ID) for sure?

Generating SALT for Android Licensing

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Android: Should I call the LicenseChecker every time the app is opened?

android android-lvl

How do I validate on my server that an app was successfully purchased through the Android Market?

android android-lvl

Do I need Google Play Licensing?

android android-lvl

What are the response codes (values) returned by the Google Play server in a license response?

android android-lvl

How to limit my paid app for only one device on same account in Android and iOS

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Android License Verification Library when offline

How to increase LVL cache-valid time?

android android-lvl

Is dexguard preventing simple LVL cracks?

Android "Not_Market_Managed" error