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New posts in proguard

Decompiling obfuscated java bytecode [closed]

proguard problem after updating to android gradle plugin 3.5

How to exclude R*.class files from a proguard build

android eclipse scala proguard

Proguard retrace output confusion

android proguard

Proguard Breaks Android WebView, Why?

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Protect your API KEYS from Reverse Engineering Android

android proguard

howto in eclipse debug the Proguard obfuscated apk file

android proguard

Using Proguard in Gradle - can't find referenced class java.lang.String

java gradle proguard

Proguard with Autovalue

Conflict between Android data binding and Guava causes ProGuard error

Proguard retrace tool's output

SBT ProGuard plugin: OutOfMemoryError, how to increase heapspace?

How to create an obfuscated jar file?

Does Proguard remove comments from Java source

android proguard

android - proguard error in android studio

android proguard

Android FileProvider class not found in release builds

Do I need to 'keep' Parcelable in proguard rules while obfuscating

Note: android.support.v4.text.ICUCompatIcs: can't find dynamically referenced class libcore.icu.ICU

android proguard

Unable to access companion object used in kotlin class after enabling proguard

kotlin proguard

Injection with google guice does not work anymore after obfuscation with proguard

obfuscation guice proguard