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New posts in proguard

How to tell Proguard to obfuscate class names

android proguard

Google Analytics retrace Proguard

Crashlytics not deobfusticating code

How to EXCLUDE an external library jar from Proguard in Android Studio?

Android: What is Proguard and ProGuard mapping

android crash proguard

ProGuard didnt compile with Joda Time used in Windows

Android App crashes after proguard obfuscation

Android Library: Release .aar getting classes.jar empty when using proguard

how to use proguard in android 2.3

Proguard: avoiding naming collisions with pre-obfuscated library JARs

java obfuscation proguard

Proper Proguard configuration to keep static inner class

ProGuard: keep implementations for interface annotated with @Keep

kotlin android proguard error

android proguard kotlin

Using Proguard with a library has a @Service bean which should autowire

Android, ProGuard, and keepclasseswithmembernames

How do I use ProGuard?

java command-line proguard

Android ProGuard: can't find referenced class

Why should I keep BuildConfig in ProGuard?

NoClassDefFoundError when using proguard

How to obfuscate fat Scala Jar with Proguard and SBT

scala sbt proguard obfuscation