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New posts in xml-deserialization

Deserializing with SimpleXML

Generic XML Deserialization into Undefined Objects

XML Parsing and deserialization

How to deserialize this nested xml in c# objects

XML serializer returns null on object deserialization

How do I Deserialize xml document with namespaces using XmlSerializer?

c# .net xml-deserialization

C# deserialize xml array of different types into multiple arrays

JAXB and different versions of the class

SimpleXML, org.simpleframework.xml.core.PersistenceException

Ignoring null references when de-serializing a massive XML document

c# xml xml-deserialization

How can I cast or deserialize SoapObject to my object?

C# Changing the element names of items in a list when serializing/deserializing XML

SQL Cursor throws out of memory while calling getString

Can we configure simple-xml to let it ignore unknown nodes

How avoid exception deserializing an invalid enum item?

Deserialize xml to object with Symfony2

C# XML string element with Name attribute

Loading a serialized DataTable in PowerShell - Gives back array of DataRows not a DataTable