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New posts in programming-languages

Get all factors of a number (iterators showdown :)

What features would you like to see in a game programming DSL?

Why is it illegal for variables to start with numbers?


Why are there so many data structures absent from high level languages?

Can anyone explain the design decisions behind Autolisp/visual lisp to me?

Creating a Compiler: Learn OCaml or Stick With Java/C/C++

Why do so few .NET languages integrate into Visual Studio (specifically VS2008)? [closed]

Using generic methods?

Dynamics of the using keyword

Specifying different platform specific package at compile time in Ada (GNAT)

printf using stack? [duplicate]

c++ programming-languages

Do you think functional language is good for applications that have a lot of business rules but very few computation? [closed]

Are the implementation details of declarative languages inherently imperative

What's the difference of a "class" in Haskell and in an "abstract class" in OO language?

Is there a relationship between untyped/typed code quotations in F# and macro hygiene?

Why C++ is called federation of languages?

Are all scripts written in scripting languages?

What language is Picasa written in?

Why are most scripting languages loosely typed?

Multiple Argument Switch Statement