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to develop an internet messenger what should i do?

Resources to compare Java to Objective-C (syntax and basics)

Do you know about any other approaches to error handling than try/catch and its variations?

What is the fastest way to create a cross-platform IDE for a new programming language?

Why do some languages return nil when a key is not in a dictionary, while Python throws an exception?

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Does lexical scope have a dynamic aspect?

In perl, when assigning a subroutine's return value to a variable, is the data duplicated in memory?

Why do programming language allow assignment from integer to shortint?

How to get the C pointer array length? [duplicate]

Types of Errors during Compilation and at Runtime

Is there programming language which can tolerate runtime errors?


What are the different programming language concepts and which languages show them in a pure way

Set up Scala for NetBeans - Error

What's going on (in the OS level) when I'm reading/writing a file?

Why pointers are necessary in programing? [closed]


Languages that Windows supports out of the box

Client side languages

When does operator associativity matter?

Are there languages compatible with .NET that don't support unsigned types?