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Client side languages

I am not a web programmer, so please excuse my ignorance. When it comes to server side programming, we have plethora of technologies available, such as PHP, ASP.net, JSP and so on.

However, when it comes to client side scripting, I have only heard of JavaScript and AJAX. Maybe you can also include Java Applets, as they run on the client. A relatively new one is also the Google's native client. But are there any more client side technologies which exist and are popular?

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MetallicPriest Avatar asked Mar 10 '12 18:03


1 Answers

AJAX is just a buzzword, it's not a language. Google's Native Client is similar to NSAPI, you can use it to create plugins (it doesn't really count). Google is also pushing a new client-side language called Dart that will probably go nowhere, and old IE versions support VBScript.

So, you have JavaScript, VBScript (sort of) and Dart (sort of).

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Dagg Nabbit Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Dagg Nabbit