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New posts in procedural-generation

Minecraft speed for loading chunks

Questions on Procedural World Generation - I can't generate more than hilly terrain

How does one make a point to point "bolt" of lightning using perlin noise or other algorithm?

What's faster for 3D? Perlin or Simplex noise?

Wave generation with the "Hugo Elias" algorithm please! Java

Unity 5: Automatically specifying the triangle list for the vertices of a mesh

Procedural terrain programming in Unity 3D

Why does switching from Mersenne twister to other PRNGs in Gradient Noise Generator give bad results?

What ways are there of drawing 3D trees using Java and OpenGL?

How can I sample from a complex or compound distribution in Haskell?

What languages or methods allow graphics & music demos to fit in 64kb EXEs?

Procedural generation of a constrained landscape

How is L-systems for road networks modified?

Information on L-Systems

Cliffs terrain generation in minecraft-like game

What is a good strategy for constructing a directed graph for a game map (in Python)?

Galaxy Generation Algorithm

c# procedural-generation

Does anyone have good resources on 3D procedural generation of terrain or fractal terrain generation? [closed]